Category Archives: review

Review of the Sharp Dust Sensor (GP2Y1010AU0F)

As part of my ambition to monitor the home ambience, I’d like to quantify “air pollution”. As usual, I’m not willing to shell out for than a few dozen bucks for a dust sensor. There are several cheap particulate matter detector (commonly known as dust sensor) that’s available in the market, such as the Shinyei […]

Why ESP8266 and PlatformIO?

Today, I would like to address a question that I’m often asked: “Why do you not use Arduino Board (e.g. Uno, Nano) instead?“. This is referring to the sensor nodes I’ve deployed around the house. I’ll also describe the toolchain I’m using for development and OTA firmware update. Why not Arduino Uno/Nano/XX? My first sensor […]

Bluetooth Beacon and Google Physical Web